Photo of NONO GARCÍA Spain

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NONO GARCA Mula (Murcia) recent samples: 2009 individual exhibition. Espacio36 Galera. Zamora 2008 Collective Exhibition Galera Puchol. Valencia. From Expressionism to Realism exhibition. Galera Cervantes6. Oviedo. 2007 Hall of Plastic Arts Award from the University of Murcia. Almud Palace. Auction. International Art Fair. Madrid Toledo Puche Award. Siyasa Museum. Cieza (Murcia) H2O. Collective. Los Molinos del Ro. Murcia...

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Photo of NONO GARCÍA Spain

NONO GARCA Mula (Murcia) recent samples: 2009 individual exhibition. Espacio36 Galera. Zamora 2008 Collective Exhibition Galera Puchol. Valencia. From Expressionism to Realism exhibition. Galera Cervantes6. Oviedo. 2007 Hall of Plastic Arts Award from the University of Murcia. Almud Palace. Auction. International Art Fair. Madrid Toledo Puche Award. Siyasa Museum. Cieza (Murcia) H2O. Collective. Los Molinos del Ro. Murcia individual Exposition Light passer. Kim Gallery. Collective Exposition Murcia Mada Primavesi Galera. Madrid. 2006 Bancaja Painting Prize XXXIII. IVAM. Valencia Cruzcampo Prize Foundation. La Rioja Penagos Foundation Prize Exhibition XXIV Mapfre Vida. Artesevilla Madrid. International Art Fair. Sevilla Almoneda. International Art Fair. Christopher Course Madrid with Gabarrn. Universidad de Murcia 2005 Artesevilla. International Art Fair. Sevilla Almoneda. Fair Art International. Madrid Exhibition Penagos XXIII Award Foundation Mapfre Vida. Course Madrid to Antonio López. The individual Exhibition Alczar paradise we have left the Kim Gallery. Murcia 2004 Penagos Foundation Prize Exhibition XXII Mapfre Vida. Artesevilla Madrid. International Art Fair. Sevilla Almoneda. International Art Fair. Madrid Exhibition individual and what your shadow TTOC Kim Gallery. Murcia watercolor course architecture and the sea given by Pedro Cano individual Exhibition Hall Campanula Luis Garay. 2003 Exposition Murcia individual absences and omissions Kim Gallery. Collective Exhibition Galera Granada Murcia Capital. Collective Exhibition anniversary Granada Kim Gallery. Artesevilla Murcia. International Art Fair. Sevilla Almoneda. International Art Fair. Collective Exhibition Madrid Galera Mara Aguilar. 2002 Cadiz Interart. International Art Fair. Valencia Artesevilla. International Art Fair. Sevilla Almoneda. International Art Fair. Madrid Exhibition Hall Mahula individual. Mula. Collective Exhibition Galera Granada Murcia Capital. Collective Exhibition Granada. Kim Gallery. Murcia 2001 Interart. International Art Fair. Valencia Artesevilla. International Art Fair. Sevilla Almoneda. International Art Fair. Collective Exhibition Madrid Skin of the Earth. Sala Luis Garay. Murcia 2000 Interart. International Art Fair. Valencia Artesevilla. International Art Fair. Sevilla Artexpo. International Art Fair. New York auction. International Art Fair. Collective Exhibition Madrid. Kim Gallery. Selected Awards Murcia. Hall of Plastic Arts Prize. Murcia University. 2007 Selected. Toledo Puche. Cieza. Murcia. 2007 Finalist in the paint Bancaja Prize XXXIII. XXIV 2006 Award Finalist in the drawing Penagos. 2006 Finalist Cruzcampo Foundation Award. Calahorra (La Rioja) 2006 Award Finalist in the XXIII Penagos drawing. 2005 Finalist in the drawing Penagos Prize XXII. 2004 Award Durn Granados. VII Painting Contest outdoors. 2003 Mazarrn work in: University of Murcia. Faculty of Fine Arts. Autonomous region of Murcia. Minister for the Environment. Cajamurcia. Social work. Savings bank of the Mediterranean. Archena Wellness Foundation. Hon. Ayuntamiento de Mula (Murcia). Collections private.

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